the internet can be scary. for me. and for us all, from my perspective. Anything that offers instant gratification can be dangerous to the human spirit. Combine instant gratification with a lot of visibility & permanence and you have a recipe for wreaking havoc on the cycles of impulsivity & shame that humans are prone to. The internet is beautiful chaos, it connects all information and facilitates long-distance communication but enables humans to disconnect from each other from behind private screens. It’s hard to know how to take up space on the internet for me. Most people seem to either indulge personal interest or follow trends. I’ve let shame & fear get in the way of both avenues, this website is part of how I’m overcoming that. I’m speaking my mind here more organically than I’ve been able to on social media. I hope moving forward I can allow the permanence of the internet to put positive pressure on how I communicate here, and not let the visiblity intimidate me into silence.