the internet can be scary. for me. and for us all, from my perspective. Anything that offers instant gratification can be dangerous to the human spirit. Combine instant gratification with a lot of visibility & permanence and you have a recipe for wreaking havoc on the cycles of impulsivity & shame that humans are prone to. The internet is beautiful chaos, it connects all information and facilitates long-distance communication but enables humans to disconnect from each other from behind private screens. ... hi. i’m still here. I let this project lose focus while I continued fighting for a way forward in life. i’m still struggling with many of the same things that I was at the time of my last post 14 months ago, but I’ve found a lot of internal growth. I’m coming back to my tech career dream this month, but I granted myself more space from the pressures of the industry for the last year. ... i’m reflecting on mid august afternoon that summer has often held challenging times for me. today i hold that with gratitude for lessons learned through independent recreation. im grateful and proud that amidst turbulent days of extensive executive dysfunction (summer heat and smells cue most intense of sensory overwhelm), i gifted myself a few weeks of being more intentionally on vacation mode, and not striving for productive time spent at the screens. ... I’m currently paging through my old github repos, looking for inspiration in old excitements, but I face a conundrum. I am inclined to delete smaller & older projects. I feel that some no longer represent my skills, interests, nor authentic identity. It’s cluttered and unfamiliar. At the same time, I have also come to feel that as much historical data should be saved as can be done so efficiently and accessibly. ... Hi again! I haven’t been very consistent with my development work lately as I continue trying to establish myself in a new city. I have been reading some research-backed DevOps strategy which is inspiring my efforts and affirming some core challenges I have faced in my software journey thus far. Today I’m getting back to resuscitating my portfolio site. Going for simple and sweet straightforward html site because I have previously gotten bogged down in tooling with that project and I’m not as motivated to invest time in it’s development, it should be a showcase not another side-project. ... It’s March 24th. My last entry was January 22nd. I haven’t found much motivation for computer-based work of any kind since then, it’s been a challenge to even do digital coordination of establishing services after moving. The main areas I have been able to find my motives are novel forms of movement, a bit of music, and a lot of distraction. I think this is a call from my body to find some physically-based work for the now, and to accept the ongoing disability to work from any self-sanctioned desks. ... testing…testing.. 1 2… seeing how it goes revisiting my neofeed! wanna stick with this for basically dev-related sidechat from independent work. the github workflow i have in place to publish to neocities.org is pretty slick for publishing updates quickly. cleaning up and customizing the styles a bit now :) Neofeed Deployment
Still working on getting this neofeed deployed, this is my first time working with Github Actions so that has been a learning curve. The published actions that were composed into the deploy workflow for this template were erroring, so I’ve been trying to fix configs and reverse engineer the steps that continue failing. OK! I got it by detailing my own Hugo install and build, and updating the usage of bcomnes/deploy-to-neocities to published @v1 instead of a personal branchHi, returning to my neofeed! Maybe I like the name so much because it hearkens to neopets, one of my first online experiences. I am trying out a yaml config format for variety, as compared to the template and example’s toml. I believe toml is more common with go? but I’ve seen yaml more in my own dev work such as with terraform.